3. Información meteorológica de carretera
IP0263 - Reliable and high quality meteorological information for winter services in Austria (.pdf - 1.5MB)
Reliable and high quality meteorological information for winter services in Austria Christian Csekits and Thomas Turecek ZAMG (Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics), Vienna, Austria The accuracy and quality of weather forecasts has been improving during the last decades. Nowadays weather forecasts provide a rather good presentation of the weather and its impact. In recent years the philosophy [...]
IP0004 - A new winter service index (.pdf - 283KB)
Knowing the severity of a winter has always been an important concern for operators and clients. Some have to size the production tools and others have to set up the budget lines necessary for the operation of the service. Different methods exist to characterise a winter, to account for outings, salt consumption, overtime, etc....these methods are often biased because they depend on the organisation, [...]
IP0130 - Applications of Novel Weather Information: Optimization for Deployment of Snow Removal Groups (.pdf - 1.7MB)
In winter, a lot of heavy snow events occur on the north side of Japan, because of significant meteorological characteristics of a convergence zone, Japan sea Polar air mass Convergence Zone; JPCZ. The snow clouds form in a similar process to the “Lake-Effect Snow in the Great Lakes” in the United States. However, heavier snowfall is produced in Japan by the three reasons: high sea surface temperature [...]
IP0065 - The City of Calgary Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) (.pdf - 211KB)
Winter weather is accountable for 30% of traffic accidents in Canada and costs Canadians over $60B annually. Canadians use over 5 million tonnes of salt annually to keep their roads safe. But salt has a negative environmental footprint. Devised by the National Center for Amphoteric Research (NCAR), the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) is comprised of multiple modules that coherently and [...]
IP0268 - RSI a tool for digital transformation within the winter maintenance industry
The winter maintenance industry is starting to evolve from a tradition of using RWIS and basic weather forecasts combined with treatment schemes when making decisions about actions. With new big data sources based on IOT - from sensors, floating car data, laser measurement and connected winter maintenance vehicles combined with state-of-the-art climate models it is already today possible to predict, [...]
IP0144 - Enhancing detail and context through wind-related risk forecasts for major roads in Great Britain (.pdf - 1.0MB)
The Met Office has transitioned to using Impact-based Warnings for its National Severe Weather Warning Service (NSWWS). These warnings aim to communicate the occurrence of weather events that have the potential to cause socio-economic impacts, by using a risk matrix which combines the level of impact the weather could cause, with the likelihood of those impacts occurring. This approach provides a [...]
IP0088 - Road weather services tailored for autonomous vehicles (.pdf - 654KB)
Finnish Meteorological Institute is continuously studying the possibilities to enhance the Arctic traffic monitoring and related safety services by innovative use of ITS and related methodologies. Autonomous driving is globally addressed as the future trend, also the driving in the Arctic conditions. The research work is relying on a miniature autonomous vehicle with capability to carry AI, measurement [...]
IP0037 - Combining Thermal Mapping and Route-based Forecasting (.pdf - 13KB)
Historically, road weather has been predicted at road weather station (RWS) sites, using the RWS observations to initialize and calibrate the forecasts. Extending these site-specific forecasts to the rest of the road network was initially done using thermal mapping. Thermal mapping (TM) techniques only allow for road surface temperature (RST) prediction and fail to take advantage of other data sources [...]
IP0047 - Prediction of Roadside Snow Pile Growth Trends Using Meteorological Observations (.pdf - 52KB)
About two-thirds of Japan is a cold and snowy region. As a result, Japan has several large cities with heavy snowfall. In order to improve winter road services, road managers are required to conduct efficient snow hauling by transporting and clearing the snow that has accumulated on the shoulders of roads within a limited budget. However, the choice of the timing and method of snow hauling has been [...]
IP0183 - The Value of Roadside Weather Observations (.pdf - 13KB)
Roadside Weather Information Systems (RWIS) are widely used to aid decision support for reducing the impact of weather hazards on the roads. We examined the value of individual RWIS and RWIS networks to improving road weather forecasting and monitoring. The Highways England Environmental Sensor Site (ESS) network incorporates high-quality RWIS covering England’s strategic road network. The Met [...]
IP0115 - Optimization of road weather stations through a targeted use of sensor types (.pdf - 84KB)
The weather has a considerable influence on traffic safety and traffic flow. Road weather information is an important database for the implementation of winter road maintenance and traffic management. This information can also be integrated with roadside ITS infrastructure, so that local warnings and data can be transmitted directly to the driver or to an automatically driving vehicle. Stationary [...]
IP0060 - Product at road maintenance risk timeline service (.pdf - 6.9MB)
Many weather disaster occur for road maintenance a few years. Example, West-japan heavy rain Jul-2018, Heavy snowfall for Hokuriku in Feb-2017 Low pressure for Capital area in Feb-2017 Hagibis at typhoon in Oct-2019. Each disaster effect road maintenance management. Weathernews Inc. (below is WNI) developed timeline service for road maintenance based on those phenomenon. Exaple -Before phenomenon [...]
IP0272 - Aplicación del sistema MDSS en vías de alta capacidad en zonas con clima continental. La experiencia en España (.pdf - 437KB)
Los trabajos de vialidad invernal son una de las actividades básicas dentro de los contratos de mantenimiento de carreteras. La realización eficaz y óptima de dichos trabajos conlleva una toma de decisiones no exenta de complejidad en determinadas circunstancias y con implicaciones importantes en cuanto a la seguridad y fiabilidad del servicio que se presta a los usuarios de las infraestructuras. [...]
IP0119 - Estudio sobre segmentación de imágenes de la superficie de la carretera invernal mediante el uso de aprendizaje profundo (.pdf - 11KB)
Recent advances in technologies related to deep learning have been remarkable. The expectation for using image recognition methods in the field of road traffic engineering is high. For example, in winter road management, a method using deep learning has been proposed to improve the accuracy of identifying the road surface conditions. The snow and ice conditions on the road surface, i.e., dry, slush, [...]
There is a wealth of noteworthy research taking place within the meteorological community that would be of value to the transportation community, but it often goes unnoticed. This may be a function of limited means of communication across the communities, a lack of a common language, or a lack of understanding of the end users’ needs. There is a need for more effective sharing of weather and climate [...]
IP0294 - Investigación sobre el pronóstico del tiempo a corto plazo de la autopista en invierno basado en un mapa del espectro térmico (.pdf - 99KB)
According to the "measurable" demand of expressway meteorology, based on the zhumadian-xinyang section of Jing-Gang-Ao highway in Henan Province, China, through the application of "thermal spectrum map" data acquisition vehicle, the pavement temperature of the whole expressway in winter under specific weather conditions was collected, and the temperature spectrum was drawn. At the same time, [...]
IP0062 - Kent County Council y Amey modelo de predicción de la temperatura de la superficie AI (.pdf - 38KB)
Kent County Council (KCC) together with its partner Amey plc has for the past two years been developing a smart winter project with the following aims: • Improved safety and stakeholder satisfaction • Savings through reduced number of winter gritting runs • Savings through reduced spend on basic winter facility/resource • Savings on materials • Better evidencing for budget allocation and [...]
IP0302 - Planificación del evento invernal basada en modelos de previsión meteorológica y la gestión del tráfico como herramienta. (.pdf - 2.7MB)
“Ninguna nevada es igual a otra”, esta afirmación se mantiene en el tiempo como una verdad absoluta. Los episodios de nieve son fenómenos que se desarrollan con la interacción de múltiples variables y que en muchos casos tiene una aproximación probabilística. Son estas características las que en ocasiones han hecho que se no se planifiquen de manera sistemática; no obstante, actualmente, [...]
IP0089 - Primeros resultado de la predicción meteorológica por conjunto en carreteras del Instituto metereológico finlandès (FMI) (.pdf - 12KB)
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) has been experimenting with ensemble road weather forecast system since autumn 2019. Early verification results suggest that calibration is still needed to produce reliable probability forecasts. However, the system has great potential to assist the road maintenance personnel when making decisions of weather-related road treatment. Traditionally the decision [...]
IP0237 - Sistema de predicción meteorológica en puntos localizados a través de la telefonía móvil. Experiencia en la Autovía A-2 en la provincia de Guadalajara, Castilla la Mancha, España. (.pdf - 724KB)
La predicción meteorológica es fundamental en las operaciones de mantenimiento de carreteras, en especial en lo relacionado con la vialidad invernal. Son muchas las operaciones de mantenimiento de carreteras que se encuentran condicionadas por fenómenos meteorológicos adversos, tales como lluvias intensas, fuertes vientos, temperaturas extremas (tanto altas como bajas), niebla densa o episodios [...]
IP0014 - Un estudio sobre la relación entre la visibilidad media y la visibilidad instantánea con ventisca de nieve (.pdf - 19KB)
The author provides information on snowstorm visibility prediction on the internet. In this system, the average visibility value per hour is estimated based on the hourly wind speed, temperature, and precipitation intensity provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency. However, because the fluctuations of a blizzard are intense, there is a large difference between the average visibility and the instantaneous [...]
IP0169 - Un sistema de detección y advertencia de ventiscas de nieve y visibilidad reducida (.pdf - 1.1MB)
In Quebec, the difficult winter conditions are conducive to the formation of blowing snow. In fact, safety studies have shown that certain sectors of the Quebec road network are more favorable to the formation of blowing snow, especially some sections of road 175 in the Capitale-Nationale region. Generally, the installation of windbreak hedges is preferred to counter blowing snow on the road network. [...]
IP0288 - Uso de informes de fricción de la superficie de la carretera en el servicio de invierno - Diseño de pruebas de rendimiento para la medición continua de la fricción (.pdf - 564KB)
Friction tests are very helpful both before and after abrasives or liquid brine are applied to road surfaces. The friction data may be obtained with continuous friction measuring equipment - otherwise referred to as “CFME”. Modern CFME are mobile test-tire devices that test with accuracy at all speeds within the speed limits. Friction graphs for the entire distance accompanied by numerical values [...]