10. Mejorar la capacidad de recuperación de las operaciones de la red de carreteras mediante los sistemas de transporte inteligentes y las nuevas tecnologías
IP0069 - Increasing Freeway Network Resilience by Advanced Congestion Pattern Analytics (.pdf - 8KB)
One of the major challenges for resilience in road networks is congestion. This paper investigates different types of freeway congestion events using real large-scale data sets from various stationary detectors in the German freeway network as well as data from US and Switzerland. Every observed congestion event can be classified into one of the four categories “Jam Wave”, “Stop&Go”, “Wide [...]
IP0113 - Addressing the Information Needs of Road Users in Extreme Emergency Events - Utilizing New Technologies (.pdf - 201KB)
As part of the EU-H2020 RESIST project, which aims to increase resilience of transport operation in extreme events on bridges and tunnels, we present a theoretical module for assessment of highway users' behaviour under stress, in extreme events. The module incorporates psychological and behavioural dimensions of safety and risk that impact operational capacity and are critical for communicating with [...]
IP0123 - ITS Initiatives in NEXCO East (.pdf - 2.2MB)
In recent years, the innovation in various fields such as ICT and the AI progress rapidly. In the automotive industry in Japan, autonomous driving (level 3) is permitted by a law revision in April, 2020, and the autonomous cars and connected cars may be deployed faster than expected. The automotive industry has been playing a key role. Studies by the road management side come behind a little until [...]
IP0018 - Crowd sourcing road condition surveys through a mobile game (.pdf - 38KB)
Preventative road maintenance depends on the ability to produce data on the road condition. Carchupa developed a game for mobile phones that enables inexpensive, easily repeatable, and fast data collection on roads through crowd sourcing. The paper presents a case study of using the data collection platform to crowdsource pavement defect data on roads and light traffic routes in the selected cities. [...]
IP0128 - System that uses big data to identify passable roads after disasters (.pdf - 12KB)
In the event of a disaster, it is necessary to provide drivers with road closure information as quickly as possible. In the past, this has been lack of immediacy due to the need to conduct field surveys to determine the locations of non-passable roads. As a result, there has been demand for a system that provides road administrators with real-time information on non-passable roads and traffic restrictions. [...]
IP0024 - The ARGO Project for infrastructure monitoring (.pdf - 756KB)
The "ARGO" project aims to collect in a single database all the information that allows to create and manage an integrated system of scheduled maintenance, in line with the legislative evolution and able to meet the needs of stakeholders. Reasons to act: • 30% of civil infrastructure has exceeded its planned lifespan • Recent damaging events have led to budget allocations • High inspection and [...]
IP0334 - Multimodal transit centers on motorways, new mobilities and new place of intermodality (.pdf - 1.6MB)
With the development of French metropolises, the challenges of travel have increased in the suburbs, leading to very long commuting times. In the current context of a shared rejection of an "all-car" policy, which is a source of nuisance (congestion, pollution, cost, etc.), and environmental awareness, the development of express coach lines on motorways makes sense. The challenge is to develop an [...]
IP0372 - AREA (Automatic Road works Extension Alert) SYSTEM: Dispositivos de monitorización IoT de obras viales en real time para mejorar la seguridad y la gestión del tráfico (.pdf - 404KB)
The AREA System (Automatic RoadWorks Extension Alert), devised by Anas S.p.A., the Italian Authority for national roads, for real-time localization and characterization of road works (both moving and stationary ones) on the national road network, is part of the Smart Road project able to monitor the operating conditions through modern IoT (Internet of Things) technologies. A Low-Power network made [...]
IP0179 - EVALUACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE DETECTION DE AVALANCHAS para la carretera transcanada a través del parque nacional glacier (.pdf - 362KB)
The Trans-Canada Highway (TCH) runs across the whole of Canada and is the most important highway for the nation. The TCH through Glacier National Park (GNP) is threatened by 135 avalanche paths causing an average 74 hours of closures per winter and significant risk to highway users. Winter Average Daily Traffic (WADT) increases annually, and without additional mitigation, avalanche risk to highway [...]
1. Background Making a traffic control system more resilient to the risk of traffic accidents under unexpected weather change is effective as a short-term approach to sustain winter road safety. We focus on a resilient traffic management that can control the total risk of traffic accidents in road network by shifting traffic demand from high-risk routes through low-risk routes to destination, based [...]
The Ministry of Transportation of Quebec (MTQ) in Canada has in charge the management of about 30 000 km road network. Each year, the MTQ evaluates the road network condition by considering several criteria. One of them is the level of road deformation due to the frost which is measured through the IRI annual difference on a same road section using data collected in summer and winter. Measuring the [...]
El MITMA está inmersa en una transformación digital y el servicio de vigilancia de carreteras también. Se pretende con ello que la carretera tenga una resiliencia importante frente a los diferentes envites que pueda sufrir y frente al paso del tiempo. Para ello es necesario disponer de datos de los elementos de la carretera y de su comportamiento y evolución. Son necesaria inspecciones rápidas [...]
IP0374 - Road Weather Information System (RWIS) de ANAS Smart Road en Italia (.pdf - 1.0MB)
One of the first European smart and weather-wise road project: Road Weather Information System is part of the ANAS Smart Road project and it will be deployed on all the Smart Road managed by ANAS S.p.A. , the Italian Authority for national roads. Currently, it has been installed on the A90 Ring Road in Rome, A91 highway in Rome and in particular on the SS 51 di Alemagna (National Road) for 78 km [...]
IP0270 - Sistema de comunicación inteligente que alerta a los usuarios de la carretera de la presencia de operarios trabajando. (.pdf - 1013KB)
En cualquier situación, pero sobre todo en situaciones de emergencia, es importante disponer de la información más precisa para poder tomar mejores decisiones. Desde el Ministerio de Transportes Movilidad y Agenda Urbana estamos configurando un sistema inteligente de comunicación entre los operarios de carreteras y sus usuarios que será una realidad a finales de 2021. Con este sistema se pretende [...]
IP0370 - Smart Road Cortina 2021 - Una primera implementación de los servicios C-ITS en las carreteras italianas (.pdf - 289KB)
Anas S.p.A., the Italian Authority for national roads, has been conceiving, designing and implementing Cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITSs) so as to improve road safety and traffic control and enable advanced driving experience since 2013. During the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships taking place in Cortina d'Ampezzo in February 2021, “Anas Smart Road” is going to exhibit how powerful [...]