12. Resiliencia de puentes considerando los peligros naturales
IP0199 - Northerm climatic actions on the structures (.pdf - 88KB)
Maintenance, repair and replacement on the transportation network have major economic, and environmental impacts on society as well as on quality of life of the population. In northern climates, corrosion of reinforced concrete structures is one of the main causes fore the deterioration of the network. The corrosion processes are relatively well known and several models have been developed over the [...]
IP0043 - Assessing Resilience of Infrastructure: Seismic Retrofitting of New Zealand Bridges (.pdf - 20KB)
New Zealand is a seismically active country, and as such the effects of earthquakes on infrastructure can be significant. Bridges are a key part of the road network, however there were many unknowns related to the true in-service seismic performance of bridges. With almost 11,000 km of state highways (and 83,000km of local roads) New Zealand is amongst the countries with the highest length of roads [...]
IP0055 - Seismic Retrofit of a Long-Span Suspension Bridge with emphasis on Tower-Girder Collision Problem (.pdf - 87KB)
The Ohshima Bridge, one of the Honshu-Shikoku Bridges connecting Honshu and Shikoku Islands in Japan, is a long-span suspension bridge with a center span of 560 m. The stiffening girder is a steel box type with 23.7 m wide and 2.2 m deep. The tower is a steel two-story rigid-frame type with 88.35 m high. The bridge was designed based on design codes developed solely for the bridge and opened in 1988. [...]
IP0264 - Development of Innovative Measures to Mitigate Ice Shedding from the Stays of the Cable-Stayed portion of the Samuel De Champlain Bridge (.pdf - 27KB)
A number of cable-stayed bridges have experienced important problems related to the shedding of ice from stays onto traffic lanes below. As cable-stayed bridges have increased dramatically in span length, tower height and popularity over the past 30 years, this has become an important issue for this type of structure when built in a climate where ice accretion can occur. The new 3.4 km long Samuel [...]
IP0077 - Seismic isolation as an effective technique within the framework of the national project for the seismic evaluation and retrofit of Swiss highway bridges (.pdf - 5.4MB)
In Switzerland, the assessment of the earthquake safety of the approximately 4'200 national road bridges started in 2005 and was completed in 2020. The evaluations have shown that the bridge structures of the national roads are generally built robustly against the effects of earthquakes. Measures to increase earthquake resistance are only necessary for about 6% of the national road bridge asset and [...]
IP0260 - Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad a la resonancia de los puentes frente a un evento sísmico (.pdf - 946KB)
Tras la ocurrencia de un sismo de una magnitud relevante, resulta de vital importancia que los puentes conserven su integridad estructural y su capacidad de servicio. Sin embargo y pese a que tales eventos se recogen en las diferentes normativas como acciones a tener en cuenta en el diseño de los puentes, los numerosos daños producidos en sismos pasados demuestran su especial vulnerabilidad ante [...]
IP0276 - Problemática de las sales fundentes en la corrosión de armaduras en tableros de puentes y afección a los postesados (.pdf - 2.3MB)
El empleo de sales fundentes durante las épocas de vialidad invernal provoca, en las estructuras con ausencia de impermeabilización del tablero o con impermeabilizaciones deficientes, el ingreso de iones cloruro por la cara superior del tablero. Este fenómeno puede verse agravado, asimismo, por la presencia de otras patologías presentes en el hormigón tales como porosidad, coqueras o incluso [...]
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges are group of 17 long span bridges, which connects Honshu and Shikoku Islands in Japan by 3 routes. Since these bridges are located over the sea, the bridges designed considering strong winds due to typhoon and seasonal winds. The center route called Seto-Ohashi Bridges completed in 1988, and consists of three suspension bridges, two cable stayed bridges and one truss bridge [...]
IP0185 - Sistema de alerta y monitoreo de infraestructura de conectividad fija resiliente para la adaptación al cambio climático integrando una herramienta de optimización matemática. (.pdf - 16KB)
Infrastructure road networks are critical for the development of countries, since that are fundamental in commerce, defense and social development. Due to the geography of Chile, the road network goes through the country from North to South being critical of an interruption or collapse of it. Currently in Chile, there are about 7000 bridges, which connect the road network. Its interruption implies [...]