1. Extreme winter situations in cold climate areas
IP0017 - Avalanche Stabilization and Winter Maintenance for the Trans-Canada highway (.pdf - 1.9MB)
The Trans-Canada Highway (TCH) is the main east-west trans-mountain route between British Columbia and the rest of Canada and carries a significant volume of traffic. One of the most challenging sections lies through Rogers Pass, Glacier National Park, British Columbia. The mountainous terrain the highway traverses has a vertical relief up to 1,800m and side slopes of 60 degrees. Heavy snowfall [...]
IP0281 - Disaster management and cooperation among concerned organizations under historical snowfall with 2,100 vehicle stuck on Kan-etus Expressway (.pdf - 5.3MB)
Due to the largest 24-hour snowfall in observatory history, Kan-etsu expressway was enforced to close on December 2020. The expressway is one of the most important trunk route runs across Mainland Japan. Simultaneous stuck of many huge vehicles stuck triggered of this closure. Mainly started from two points, about max 2,100 vehicles were stuck in this accident. It took for 55 hours to clear all stuck [...]
IP0045 - Ensuring safe trafficability of federal motorways during heavy snowfall (.pdf - 430KB)
Practical experiences and analyses of the winter maintenance in Germany give reason to examine the current level of service according to the “performance specifications for road maintenance services on federal motorways" in case of heavy snowfall, in order to ensure traffic safety is guaranteed according to requirements. Depending on local conditions, the given circulation times of winter service [...]
IP0044 - Investigation of evaluation indexes for severe snowstorm events (.pdf - 781KB)
In recent years, the cold snowy regions of Japan have occasionally seen incidents of vehicles becoming stuck in snow and roads being closed from severe snowstorms caused by rapidly developed low-pressure systems. Given the need to mitigate snowstorm-related disasters, it is important to clarify the frequency and regional characteristics of snowstorms, and to develop criteria for supporting traffic [...]
IP0067 - Optimum control of far-infrared melting heater for snowbank depth control (.pdf - 815KB)
The Shibahara Tunnel is located in a special heavy snowfall area in Japan where the natural snow depth sometimes exceeds 6 m. A fence with a height of 3.8 m is installed above the mouth of the Shibahara Tunnel to prevent snow accumulated on the slope from falling onto the road. When heavy snow falls, the snowbank depth exceeds the fence. 15 to 20 workers climb the slopes and manually remove the snow [...]
IP0048 - Simple method for evaluation of daily snowfall frequency (.pdf - 846KB)
The frequency of phenomena that cause natural hazards is an important factor in planning measures against those phenomena. In frequency analysis, probability distributions of extreme values are commonly used to ascertain the return period, but complex procedures such as parameter setting are necessary in order to fit the data to the probability distribution. On the other hand, it has long been known [...]
IP0384 - Specific control of snow avalanches affecting the Andorran road network, through retrospective, geomorphological analyzes and numerical modeling of the different avalanche corridors in the Principality of Andorra. (.pdf - 1.2MB)
Over the centuries, both in the Pyrenees (Andorra) and in many mountain regions, it has been possible to see effects on the territory caused by heavy episodes of snowfall and consequently snow avalanches, causing damage to roads, infrastructures, buildings and occasionally human lives.
IP0232 - The Spain unpopulated and far away from the cliches; Winter Maintenance in Castille & Leon. (.pdf - 3.3MB)
The autonomous community of Castilla y León (CyL), made up by nine provinces, is the largest region in Spain (94,226 km2) and the third of the European Union, overpassing 17 of the 24 member states. bordering nine autonomous communities and Portugal. However, its population is only 2,408 million, with 73% of its territory living in small municipalities at serious demographic disadvantage, as set [...]