Detailed program

SP 3 Overweight vehicles / Bridges and tunnels strikes by oversized vehicles

Friday, February 11 12:30 - 14:00 (Calgary)

GMT : 02/11| 19:30 - 21:00 Paris : 02/11| 20:30 - 22:00 New Delhi : 02/12| 01:00 - 02:30 Tokyo : 02/12| 04:30 - 06:00 Sydney : 02/12| 06:30 - 08:00

Chairs: Hugh Gillies, CEO Transport Scotland, UK & Jeffrey Purdy, FHWA, USA 

This session will address the findings of two PIARC Special Projects “Overweight Vehicles: Impact On Road Infrastructure And Safety” and the “Bridge And Tunnel Strikes By Oversized Vehicles”. The relevant reports are available for free below.

Overweight Vehicles: Impact On Road Infrastructure And Safety
This project compiled the available information on overweight road freight vehicles around the world, the impacts they have on road infrastructure, road safety and the economic position of road infrastructure managers, and collected global best practices to prevent and mitigate overloading.

The project offers a view on the global experience and the impacts on pavements, bridges and road safety.

Bridge And Tunnel Strikes By Oversized Vehicles
The objective of this study was to examine proven countermeasures, practices, and technologies used to reduce the incidence of oversize vehicles striking bridges and tunnels along with effective processes for accurately reporting and tracking bridge strike occurrences. Specific consideration was given to recommendations that can be effectively implemented in LMICs, Low Middle Income Countries.

The study involved a detailed review of the causes, consequences and mitigation measures available in relation to the bridge and tunnel strike problem. Data was gathered through a combination of surveys, interviews and desk-based research. In order to develop a business case, the economic situation was evaluated by way of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA).

The session will end with common Q&A for both Special Projects.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Questions and Answers
  4. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

• Session Chairs: Hugh Gillies, CEO Transport Scotland, UK & Jeffrey Purdy, FHWA, USA 


Introduction to the Special Project “Overweight Vehicles: Impact On Road Infrastructure And Safety”
• Hugh Gillies, CEO Transport Scotland, UK 

Findings and outcomes of the Special Project “Overweight Vehicles: Impact On Road Infrastructure And Safety”
• Bernard Jacob, TC 2.3 Freight Secretary, University Gustave Eiffel, France 

Introduction to the Special Project “Bride And Tunnel Strikes By Oversized Vehicles”
• Jeffrey Purdy, FHWA, USA 

Findings and outcomes of the Special Project “Bridge And Tunnel Strikes By Oversized Vehicles”
• Ilaria Bernardini, Roughan & O’Donovan, Ireland

Questions and Answers

• Moderator: Jeffrey Purdy, FHWA, USA


 • Session Chair: Jeffrey Purdy, FHWA, USA

Session Organiser: Miguel Caso Flórez, PIARC Technical Director
Session Secretary: Jeffrey Purdy, FHWA, USA